Need a quick and easy dinner this evening? Check out this yummy shrimp scampi that you can get on the table in just 30 minutes! Enjoy! Prep time: 15 minutes Cook ...
Over the last couple days we’ve been talking about how to create a specialized culinary garden or potager. You can see the first two entries in this series here: Picking ...
Yesterday, we talked about why you might want to create a secondary (or primary, if need be) culinary garden known as a potager. Today, let's take a closer look at how to choose ...
When we moved into our house, choosing the ideal spot for the main vegetable garden was pretty easy – mainly because so much of our available land had to be devoted ...
It’s hard to believe it was over 80 degrees just two short days ago. Today is blustery and cold… and a thin dusting of snow lies on the ground. The ...
Yesterday, we talked a little bit about designing a new vegetable garden and using succession planting principles to maximize your results.The garden image I shared in that article was from this ...
Finally, a warm and sunny weekend here in NE Ohio! I’m heading outside in a minute to get back to work stripping horse stalls and working in the garden. We ...
10 years ago, I interviewed Interior Designer Robin Brechbuler (pictured left) when one of her whole house design projects was featured on the cover of Welcome Home Magazine. During that interview, ...
In general, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are… not so good. They have an unfortunate tendency to taste a little dry and rubbery, which is why I almost always use the ...
Did you know there are at least 10,000 GREAT reasons to invite toads into your yard and garden this summer? That's right! According to the USDA, just one adult toad will ...
Our lives have been all about home renovations over the last year or so. Having designed and built two houses from the ground up before venturing into this project… I ...
The one piece of cookware I find myself reaching for over and over again is my heavy-duty 15″ cast iron skillet. (affiliate link) Without question, it meets my personal trifecta for ...
Crazy how time flies, isn’t it? I pulled today’s article out of my own archives – from the Spring 2004 issue of Welcome Home Magazine. (This was a quarterly glossy ...
Since I’m the only one in my house who would even think of eating seafood, the 2 pounds of shrimp this recipe calls for is overkill. Fortunately, this recipe is ...
I almost wish I never started reading food labels. Back then, I didn’t realize Aunt Jemima isn’t really maple syrup and Ramen noodles aren’t actually a food group. Now, I ...
There’s a reason I’m a much better cook than I am a baker: Cooking is an art, Baking is a science. Cooking allows you to be creative and is much more ...
Short on space for your vegetable garden? No problem! Today we’ll talk about an easy way to grow more fruits, vegetables and herbs – even if you don’t think you ...
I’m not like other girls when it comes to shopping. In fact, if I never stepped inside a mall again, I would be okay with that. Instead, you’re much more ...
Whenever I hear someone say they don’t like gnocchi, I wonder if it’s because they’ve only had the dense, chewy flavorless lumps that occur when the dough is overworked. That’s ...
Fresh Basil Pesto with Toasted Pine Nuts is a versatile recipe you can use in so many ways. Try tucking some under the skin when roasting bone-in chicken breasts – ...
Have you ever bought a really cool plant on impulse – only to find there is nowhere in your garden that really suits it? Guilty as charged here. I’m a ...
Well, it’s FINALLY that time of year again. Time to start finalizing your vegetable garden plans. Are you in?? I have BIG goals for our vegetable garden this year. (If ...
Adding pecan-crusted goat cheese wheels to this otherwise simple salad really kicks up the "elegance factor." As a result, this is a great choice for small dinner parties or other ...
Please note: This article was originally published in 2014. Current laws and regulations may be different. Few things get me as riled up as what is going on with food ...
disclosure: this article contains affiliate links Do you keep a garden journal? I do. I received a beautiful blank gardening journal several years ago as a housewarming gift. By now, ...
Cast iron skillets are so easy love. Whether inherited from a beloved grandmother, found at a bustling flea market, or purchased brand new, the origin of these durable and dependable ...